While this typography assignment by Lexi may seem small, it is 1 of a collection of typography projects Lexi took on on her own to better the organization of the classroom. As extra credit, Lexi took it upon herself to label each cabinet that collected a specific colored pencil. For this, the visual art room is more organized. Thank you, Lexi! Victory, Lexi!

Here, Kody shows evidence of exploration of material, observation from a prior source, expression in the illustration, reflection as his heads seems to improve in craft and vision as you go down the page, and in some instances, just pure joy of putting a sharpie to paper. Kody is showing formidable promise and I look forward to working with him again as he continues at Monomoy. Victory, Kody!

Here Ocean presents his stuffed elephant made of three pieces of felt, a friendship bracelet tail, two buttons for eyes and two pieces of felt for ears. Ocean has an encyclopedia interest in the arts and he tackles artist challenges like a jiu jitsu blackbelt. He is a completist with a portfolio to prove it. If 5th grade visual art was the Boy Scouts, Ocean would be the guy with a million merit badges on his slash. I do not need to wax poetic for Ocean (I just think its fun) his portfolio speaks for itself. Victory, Ocean!

Marvin has perfecting mathematical spacing here for his exploration paper, which is perfect because he was exploring different art mediums when he was making this. Notice the appropriate use of watercolor for the pond which he then places sharpie line over. Notice the different types of mark making he uses for the trees. There is some serious decision making here, some serious risk taking, and a heart pounding in every line. Victory, Marvin!
Here Sawyer illustrates a friendly pumpkin on a bright sunny day. The artist medium is yarn through burlap. This is an activity to demands planning, craft, imagination, expression and attention to detail. Sawyer is a student who does not back down from challenges. Victory, Sawyer!
Apologizes for the blurry photo. This is Galab's Guess Who board which is a continued tapestry of interests and ideas. It should not be understated just how much effort went into this project. Galab is a student with an incredible ability to get into a flow state, being it weaving or cleaning, who sets examples for class mates. He showcases the satisfaction from making something with ones own hands. He often does these things without knowing it, which is why he is celebrated here! Victory, Galab!
Jayce's weaving shows engagement, persistence and exploration. It expresses duality and contrast of color. It shows evidence of craft due to the coasters square shape. His hands are capable of both firm and gentle grips. The shere amount of weaving here shows evidence that Jayce can get into a flow state. Jayce easily gets into the zone. If this was NBA Jam, Jayce is almost always on fire. Victory, Jayce. I envy you because your journey has just begun.
Here is Bryan's Friendship Bracelet. It is made of reds and blues predominately. Made with a circle piece of cardboard, the friendship bracelet can be sewn together to make a coaster or hot pad, used for weaving or embroidery, decoration, and any use string can be used for. The single strings, when put together in groups of 7, become unbreakable. Bryan is a solid, calm, reliable, respectful student. He is the unbreakable string. Victory, Bryan!

Aubrey's work is elegant and her stitches show evidence of an artist who wants her elephant to stay in tact for years to come. To make sure of this, her stitches are close. To do this takes persistence and engagement. Let's also look at her graphic design skills and the decision to show her observation source. Aubrey is an artist I am lucky to get to work with again as she obviously cares deeply for her creations. Victory, Aubrey!

Here is Declan's woven coaster. It demonstrates his ability to use the materials both gently and firmly, meaning his craft is beyond his young age. His engagement is objectively proven. He can get into a flow state and stay there, present, calmly determined. He is a young artist who has performed a magic trick; by taking the seemingly useless, string from the ignored corners of an ancient visual art closet, he has made something priceless, a family heirloom to share with future generations. In 80 years times, the seemingly mundane coaster below an unsuspecting future descendent of Declan will be informed that the fiber art piece below his drink is actually the craft of ones great grandfather. Congratulations Declan on making a future family heirloom which will be cherished. Victory, Declan!

Brody has had a wonderful trimester where he has excelled in both weaving and illustration. I hope to post a picture of his remarkable weaving (which he is still working on (the trimester ends the 4th)) but for now let's look at the exploration on this guess who board. Brody uses water color, marker and colored pencil to finish this piece, and upon a close up, went through the far reaches of the imagination to make a poster of 22 different looking people. Brody has progressed a ton in a small amount of time, he has demonstrated a desire and ability to create objects of delicacy and elegance. Victory, Brody!

There is a joy in Ashley's work which can be seen not only in this Guess Who Board, but with what she writes accompanying it when she turns it in; "Board with whatever you want". Ashley is a student who appreciates the freedom she gets in the visual art class and takes full advantage of each material. She has a keen sense of what things are and therefore an appreciation for materials, therefore she takes full advantage of every opportunity she gets. She also learns from her classmates and learned how to make pastels (not shown here). She is the type of student whom I learn from. I can't wait to work again with Ashley! Victory, Ashley!

Jayden is LOCKED. IN. There is no way anyone is going to stop Jayden from making this Craft drawing be exciting, bursting with expression and reflective in problem solving demonstrating. This is a serious student who seriously can stay in the zone. Jayden's art demands your attention; the saturated rainbow colors bounce off the walls. Victory, Jayden!

Katherine has made an illustration of a small universe, an alternative vision from our reality. Here is a cosmos, a world that is made up of primarily pastel colors, with some fun recognizable cartoon characters to showcase expression and observation. Katherine explored so much with paint she made roughly 7 greens, a few different blues and a few shades of pink. That is incredible. Thank you so much Katherine for your engagement, this is a masterpiece of the assignment. Victory, Katherine!

Caroline has made a stuffed animal that is of perfect craft. There is no way the stuffing of this elephant is coming out on its own. Her friendship bracelet tail is perfectly executed. The ears show observation and persistence skills of an advanced level as the felt starts to get miniscule. Lastly, Caroline, intentionally or not, places the elephant behind a light so that its contoured outline glows. The elephant almost looks divine. Perhaps it is divine. In any case, working with Caroline is divine and her artwork is remarkable. Victory, Caroline!

Brooklyn has mastered weaving. Here is her coaster, one of two objects. Her work expresses gentleness, as the yarn she chooses is the softest available in the classroom. Her weaving shows both a gentle and firm hand. There is a satisfaction in her work, an order, and her grid shows evidence of her engagement. She has a very bright artistic future. Victory, Brooklyn!

Blake here shows engagement, persistence, imagination, exploration of theme, expression of interest, reflection as the illustrations become more complex, craft with his fantastic ruler use and he even shares it on google classroom. That is pretty much all I can ask for. I can't ask for a whole lot more. Blake is a competent, solid, committed artist. Victory, Blake!

My favorite thing about looking at one of David's drawings is that it is abundantly clear he is having a blast making this. Each drawing's smile brings a smile to my face as their expressions are exaggerated not in a sarcastic way, but with such a sincerity and joy that my eyes dart around the image to sequentially see what will come next. David explores the possibilities not only of expression here, but he explores with color and background. I cannot wait to work with David again. Victory, David!

Conrad is a serious academic whose visions has graced various mediums. He is naturally expressive and there is little to no fear when he makes art. Any and all challenges he happily accepts. He does not waste time, he works fast and is observant. Here he uses vocabulary words such as "disgust" and "frustration", as he is challenged to come up with more and more specific emotional states. He gets the most out of school and he has the art to prove it. Victory, Conrad!

Marcus is heroic. He works quietly, consistently, and he does not stop. He is undistractable. Projectile marker caps, students shouting or acting out, none of it phases him. His vision is singular and complete, it is unapologetic and mirthful. There is a love of doing here and a narrative of victory as we see that in the top left corner, the elephant stitches become tight and the craft is perfected. This isn't even showing Marcus's brilliant illustration work; having only to show 1 piece, I was torn what to show, so you'll have to ask Marcus himself to see all his portfolio. Victory Marcus! You have a long, bright artistic future ahead of you.

Here, Hatley makes a photomontage of various faces from advertisements and National Geographic articles. She then identifies what each emotion is and gleefully paints the backgrounds in pastel colors. While I told students they could use any materials they wished to fulfill the assignment, it hadn't even crossed my mind that the assignment could be adapted to photomontage. This is the explorative, imaginative element that Hatley brings to the class. Lastly, there is a professionalism here with her ruler line work and an earnestness to the commitment to the assignment. Hatley is a student I cannot wait to work with again. Victory, Hatley!

David is a born illustrator and a born explorer. Here is explores the idea of reflection to realms I didn't think of. Gold reflects. Glass reflects. There is a steel bar. Water reflects. And! The word reflection is reflecting. Look at the use of the eraser as David goes BACK into the typography to make the illusion of shine. David is a explorative, imaginative, determined artist. He demonstrates a craft that is clever and effective. Victory, David!

There is a joy in everything Dayton makes. Like Hatley, she too made a photomontage for the emotion and expression board, which is just as fun to look at as it probably was to make. Dayton is a dynamic artist with a range. Her work can be elegant but also liberatingly expressive. She has shown mastery of just about everything I've presented her. She is a completist when it comes to craft and I get the impression she wants to know it all. Her visions seem to allude to bigger projects to come. Dayton is a joy to work with and I can't wait to see what she makes next. Victory, Dayton!

Here is Hallie's self titled blob, cleverly modeled and observed from an "among us" character but then transforming into its own identity. Hallie's stich marks are close, precise in distance from one another and they curve around the contour of the stuffed animal. It is an object that calms the eye and is soft to the touch. Hallie here demonstrates her ability to create a joyous toy that expresses her interests and passion. Victory, Hallie!

Here Markayla demonstrates observation skills, engagement skills, persistence skills, expression skills, imagination skills, exploration skills, craft skills with her ruler and typography and she loves sharing her work with the community. This is one of those pieces where you don't really know what the artist could have done anything more. Markayla is a remarkable artist who understands the value of images and objects inside and out. I cannot wait to work with her again. Victory, Markayla!

Kaiden is an artist whose imagination is wide. He is apt to exploration and his images showcase a variety of characters and events using a variety of art materials. He is crafty, fun and sequentially divergent, making each image a joyful surprise. Victory, Kaiden!

Here, Scarleth's interests and iconography become realized and an inner universe becomes real. All of the characters seem to be soft edged. They are created with earnestness. Scarleth always fills in the cracks; no part of the page is left unfinished. These are images that can only be created by someone who is reflecting on their interests, expressing what they love, full of engagement and imagination. Victory Scarleth!

CJ has made a weaving here using a variety of cool hued yarns. His warps are visible as well as his weaves. This is just one of many, many, many CJ objects he has created this trimester. He is a small factory. Each object goes beyond graded requirements, each object feels like a solid mastery of the medium. CJ is doing amazing work. Victory, CJ!

Courtney has made a stable female figure with realistic proportions. She has demonstrated a mastery of the material of clay, tinfoil and paint. This is an item that took persistence, engagement, exploration and craft. It is a remarkable sculpture. Victory, Courtney!

Nova is an artist who has taken every assignment seriously. She has quietly committed to each project and her results speak for themselves. She can get into flow states with no problem and there has not been a single artistic challenge she has backed down from. Victory, Nova!

Sara has made a grid of camera angles that shows a wide ranging greyscale. She has studied camera angles which will serve her well while watching movies and reading comics. It is exciting to watch people's craft grow with each drawing. Victory, Sara!

Avery has made an amazing illustrated painting that shows us the various craft projects studied in art class. She uses predominately pastel colors and her materials use both paint and pencil underdrawings. She demonstrates a knowledge of craft. I am going to miss with Avery. Avery, you came to me in 5th grade and made an incredible dream book where you shared with me your aspirations. I am confident you are closer to achieving your dreams than you were in 5th grade. Way to progress. I will miss you. Victory, Avery!

Here is a close up from Gianna's Camera Angle board. Gianna is exploring gradient, is showing applied knowledge from prior classes, is expressing her interests, is persisting with her color, ... she has made a profoundly competent piece of artwork. She has mastered her craft. Victory, Gianna!
Bobby is persistent and his camera angle board proves his engagement skills. He is naturally crafty and already has a well defined style. Here he shows variety of subject matter imaginatively while expressing his love of baseball. Victory, Bobby!
Carter has made a coaster that is so uniform in stitching, it looks like it could be machine made. Carter has put engagement into every project he has been given and he rises to every challenge. This will be a fantastic holiday present, or perhaps a keepsake reminder of accomplishment. Carter is a maker! Victory, Carter!
Edda is a remarkably talented drawer. She has demonstrated the ability to engage and persist, but most noteworthy is the craft she has developed based in illustration. Here she does an Edward Gorey cut and paste drawing that depicts his famous "beastly baby". Edda makes work we cannot dismiss. She, without a shadow of a doubt, is an artist. Victory, Edda.
Elijah is an artist with an unorthodox style. His characters seem first inspired by the diaries of a wimpy kid, but then Elijah starts making characters and imagines that are specifically his own. Because of his unorthodox style, a lesser artist would stop half way out of doubt. Not Elijah, the joy of creation is too captivating. Because he is brave and wishes to share his visions, he makes something priceless, an image all his own. Victory, Elijah!
Ethan is an exciting artist whose work reflects an energetic youth serious about academics. He prides himself on getting jobs done! The Belechek beliefs and motto "Do your Job" is Ethan's too. He goes to the corners, he uses various greens, he observes, he crafts, het gets it done. Bravo Ethan. Victory!
Lebron James is, of course, whom Cohen draws for his independence project. As the old saying goes, "real recognizes real". James is a mirror to Cohen's victories. He too is the king of his own vision. He too has showcased greatness in his craft. He does not back down from challenges, he rushes towards them. He does not complain about assignments, he solves them. He is a go getter. He is a finisher. At the end of the quarter with the game on the line. You give Cohen the ball. Victory, Cohen!
Lilly has made an impressive coaster here. Everything she has completed has been impressive. This object is functional, utilitarian, multicolored, beautiful, soft to the touch, gentle, elegant. Lilly is capable of making fantastic objects that benefit our lives in ways both small and large. Victory, Lilly!
Nichole is a natural organizer, designer, and takes messes and transforms them into calming displays of joy. She has "trusted the process" and transformed into an artist with vision, an empowered young woman aware of her abilities that go beyond grading rubrics, assignment requirements and the status quo. Nichole will be as successful as she wants to be, her aspirations should know no limits. Victory, Nichole!
Sammy is a natural artist. She deconstructs the complex image of an old finished car by turning it in circles, triangles, fields of color and lines. She is demonstrating craft and observation at an advanced level. She already has a portfolio of showing her work and the sky is the limit when it comes to what she is capable of. She is an artist worthy of the school's celebration. Victory, Sammy!
When I spoke with Mason and his parents, they expressed anxiety about art class as Mason does not identify as one. But he is one, because Mason is a reflective person, an observant person, an expressive person, an open minded person and an engaged person. With all these qualities, he makes an exceptional artist. The arts will always be there for you Mason. You can always count on them to remind you of your specialness. Victory, Mason!
Here, Thomas took his collage and magnified it using the grid method. This is an absolutely amazing observation drawing and his commitment to the assignment is truly noteworthy. While one may accuse Thomas that the sides aren't colored in, it is the exact replica to his photomontage. As a result, Thomas studies the anatomy of a fish head and the bead work and embroidery of a body. Thomas is an artist who demonstrates persistence, engagement and craft. With these skills, Thomas will be able to make objects to his satisfaction. Victory, Thomas!

Joshua's "Beastly Baby" expresses beyond the exercise by adding shading, color and sulking tear drops made from magic marker. The baby is a mirror to his prior created assignment, his sculpted blue elephant. Joshua has a natural eye for detail and a control of his materials which enables him to illustrate fine detail and therefore, nuance. He is an artist who is able to express depth, not just make illusion to it. Joshua is an artist who is the real deal. Victory, Joshua!
Stef, I am graced to be able to call myself your teacher. Your observation skills, your articulation and expression skills, your imagination, your engagement with and exploration of various art mediums, ... it is a pleasure to witness. I have nothing left to teach you at this point and I will dearly miss having your artwork in our building. Victory, Stef.
Marteca; you are a brilliant artist. You took a postcard of John Singer Sargent's "Madame X", an iconic Victorian-era image from a bygone century and made it your own and in 2024. This is a defining, confident, beautiful, breathtaking image. You are beyond capable of making beautiful images. Your images make our hearts skip beats and they make us put our hands to our chests to ensure our physical safety because we are in the presents of profoundly gorgeous artwork. Victory, Marteca! I will miss you dearly, best of luck in high school!
Kellan cares deeply for each piece of artwork he makes. He is telling a story and creating a narrative of a life observed, where materials were explored, where opinions were deepened and expressed, where tranquility was felt and reflection enabled. He is a serious student and a brilliant artist; this is a thrilling combination and his high school career looks extremely bright. Victory, Kellan! I will miss working with you.

Jude is an artist who I am thrilled to have watched progress through three years at Monomoy. I am really sad that I am no longer going to be able to be your art teacher, because even though you have made some incredible artwork this trimester, I feel like I know I am JUST WATCHING THE BEGINNING. Everything you make seems to be a precursor of incredible things that are going to happen in high school ... like ... everything that has happened so far in middle school? So that was the prequel. Jude, I am really jealous because you have already accomplished so much you have single handedly improved the assignments I give. Thank you for always taking everything to the next level, I feel like you always learn deeply. There is nothing surface about you, Jude, you are a profound, intelligent, competent artist. Victory, Jude!

Chris has made remarkable progress this trimester and I hope he considers himself a deep thinking, considerate, competent, intelligent artist. Chris has explored with a variety of materials, some for the first time ever, and he has bravely learned now from experience. His penmanship has matured and his mark making demonstrates a huge range. He uses a variety of colors and makes images from a variety of sources. When he tires a subject, it isn't excuse to pause, he simply connects to another interest. He persists. Chris, I am going to miss you but you are going to be a fantastic addition to high school. Congratulations. Victory, Chris!

Megan is serious, concentrated and every mark she makes on paper is essential to her final image. She is unassuming and modest. There is nothing pretentious in this magnified artist study, it is an honest observational study of an impressionist masterpiece. She carefully uses various materials to make a range of colors that are based in the primaries. Victory, Megan!
Parker has taken all the assignments and made them her own. She puts her personal spin on everything she makes and therefore all her work is uniquely hers. Her work is defined by respect of the materials themselves. There never seems to be excess, each mark of a painting is thought about. Her considerate nature shines through in her craft because she considers every artistic decision she makes. Parker I am going to miss working with you! Victory, Parker!

Nichole's work is explorative, expressive, imaginative, ... it demonstrates a deep love of objects, subjects, music, comedy, nature, fantasy, and beneath all that an appreciation for color and the colored pencil. Let's take note of how much care is going into this photomontage, seriously, everything is using glue effectively to keep every corner glued to the corners. I want one of these for my own honestly. I would be for the better if all my folders, organizers and my refrigerator were decorated with collages like Nichole's ... they are reminders of the best parts of our lives. They remind us that working can be a luxurious activity, that our most serene objects are those which show our sincere original craft. She is an incredible artist and I will miss her. Victory, Nichole!

Lilly is a model student; she persists through frustration. she explores with various materials. She appreciates all the materials and thus every mark of this painting is considered. She worked so hard mixing a mint green that matched the wall of her painting. Do you see the commitment to greatness she has? Lilly is a serious academic. She doesn't just want the good grade, she wants the amazing painting on her wall so everyone knows that this she is a crafty student, she is an engaged student, she explores, she imagines, she has earned the grades. The artwork does not lie, everyone knows, Lilly is powerful, a force to be reckoned with. You cannot stop her, you can only hope to contain her. Victory, Lilly.
Alexa is committed to excellence. She advocates for herself and knows her power. She does not need to put on any heirs as her artwork speaks for itself. She is remarkably capable, observant, expressive and she holds very high standards for herself. She continuously meets them. She is someone who is going to make this world a more stable place through her commitment to excellence. She has made items that now serve as artifacts of her incredible skills. She is a talented artist with remarkable power. I am going to miss her, thank you Alexa. Victory, Alexa!
Student comments:
Maggie's crochets are very awesome, as she spends tons of time of one great art piece.
Kellan is a great artist
Megan, Allie, lydia, and stef show how much they care for art and engagement for these 60 days in art class
Nice Kirby drawings, Chris.
I like the lebron James drawing cowen
Kellan is a good artist and he keeps going until he can make his art as realistic as possible
Kellen has very good artwork that is both creative and interesting
I really like everyones art good job goobers
real bella real
Rebecca I think that the pictures in the frame that created your invasion comic was very unique
mason your work is really good you are very funny in class and are a nice kid
Ariya, your fruits and vegetable art work is very detailed and interesting! It's truly fantastic!
Maddie i really like your olmec head, it was unique and cool : )
I want to say that Lexingtons art is very skilled and the way he draws is special and i like the style of drawing that he does:)
Skyler thank you, you were a help during art class you even helped me write this. also you judged me
A fun interaction:
i want to shot out hatley because she pushed me to my limit she also copyed my emotoin and expressoin bvoard so i think i should get the creddit

Picasso once said "good artists borrow, great artists steal." Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Don't see it as a competition, rather, the two of you lifted one another to higher levels of creation. You're both amazing artists who work well together, like Jack Kirby and Stan Lee creating the Marvel Universe <3.
Lilli because shes so hard working and helpful and shes never unworking
I think that Aria took her time on her guess who board and it paid off and it looks good.
Marcus is highly appreciated artwise victory Marcus
markayla because she took time on all of her progects
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